BRAVO X Parts Manual


This manual contains images and part numbers of all the replaceable components on your machine.  To get to the replaceable component you are looking for, tap or click on the image of the area of the machine that the component is physically located in.  You can continue to drill down until you reach the component you are looking for.  You can also use the "search" function located next to the table of contents.  When using search, simply type in the part number or description of the part you are looking for.


Rev 021323

Patents: US 6,445,970 B1, US 6,736,077 B2, US 6,732,668 B2, US 6,823,807, US 6,871,905, US 6,983,182 B2, US 7,513,202, US 7,308,333 B2, US D474,785 S, CH 693569 A5, US 8,851,001 B2; more patents pending.