Lettering Color Change

Lettering Color Change Video



  1. To change the color any lettering object, select the lettering tool.

  2.  Left-click in the View Window and input some lettering.

  3. Press Enter. The lettering is displayed in the View Window.

  4. If you would like to change the color of the entire lettering object, select it by left-clicking it in the Project View or the View Window, and then left-click on the color you wish to change it to on the palette.

  5. You will notice the change of color in the View Window, as well as the Project View Window.

  6. You can also change the color of an individual letter. To do this, left-click the lettering to select it in the View Window, and then left-click the X on a letter.

  7. Click on the color you wish to change it to on the color palette.

  8. You will notice the change of color in the View Window, as well as a new color group in the Project View Window.

  9. A color change command will instruct the embroidery machine to change to a different needle or add a pause to a single needle machine.