Knife Replacement


Replacement Parts Required:

1. Remove the screws from the needle plate and remove the needle plate.

2. Using a small flathead screwdriver, twist the knife hold down clip off of the trimmer assembly.


Figure 1:  Removal of Knife Hold Down Clip

3. Remove the knife carrier from the trimmer assembly by removing the push-pull cable from the hole in the rear of the carrier and lifting it out.

4. Twist the knife to remove it from the carrier.

5. Replace the new knife into the carrier by inserting the tabs on the knife into the slots in the carrier.  Then twist the knife until it lies flat.


Figure 2: Replacing Knife

6. Replace the carrier onto the trimmer assembly and fit the push-pull cable back into the rear hole.

7. Replace the knife hold down clip.

8. Replace the needle plate.

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