Wide Angle Cap Frame

bar.bmpSpindles on the Clamps:

The clamps form a positive lock on the frame when it is installed on the driver.  The clamps press the spindles against the rollers on the driver to form this lock.  If the frame can move when it is installed on the driver, you should adjust the spindles.


Figure 1 - Cap Frame Spindle Clamp


To adjust the spindle, follow these steps:


1.   Loosen the upper nut on the spindle slightly (see Figure 1 above).


2.   Move the spindle down until the upper nut contacts the spindle arm.


3.   Tighten the lower nut on the spindle.



CAUTION!!  Do not over-tighten the nut or you may damage the spindle.


4.  Close the clamp.  You should hear an audible "click" when the clamp is closed.  You should not need excessive force to close the clamp.  If you NEED excessive force to close the clamp, you have moved the spindle too far.  Loosen the lower nut and reverse the process.


5.  With the clamp closed, try to move the spindle up and down.  If the spindle moves, go to step 1 and repeat the procedure.


Click on the below links to go to the next procedure you wish to perform:


Wide Angle Cap Frame Main Page

Cap Supports

Cap Support Pads

Driver Bar Cable

Cap Frame